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After Effects Course
Trailer After Effects Course
Trailer After Effects Course (1:46)
After Effects CLASS-Basic
After Effects CLASS-Basic
1_1.Instalation (3:26)
1_2.Introducton (11:21)
1_3. Interface (7:22)
1_4. Composition (7:37)
1_5. Create Composition (9:51)
1_6.Missing footage (2:52)
1_7.Keyboard shortcuts (3:56)
1_8.Preferences (6:40)
2.Introduction Part 2
2_1.Timeline (14:02)
2_2. Anchor Point (6:22)
2_3. Transformation (5:47)
2_4. Clip lenght (8:27)
2_5. Cutting clips and Markers (7:17)
2_6. Modify Footage (8:55)
2_7. Sequence Layers (4:41)
2_8. Pre-Comp (4:58)
After Effects CLASS-Advanced
After Effects CLASS-Advanced
1. Lower thirds
1_2.Introducton (11:21)
1_3.What the lower thirds are (0:54)
1_4. Trim Composition (EXERCISES FILES) (2:47)
1_5. Animation (3:11)
1_6. Color Control (6:13)
1_7. Footage Organization (2:12)
1_8. Lower Thirds 1 Position Effect (2:23)
1_9. Lower Thirds 2 Shape Effect (6:36)
1_10. Lower Thirds 3 Glow Effect (10:47)
1_11. Lower Thirds 4 Stroke Effect (9:35)
1_12 Lower Thirds 5 Mirror Effect (7:26)
1_13 Lower Thirds 6 Fill Effect (4:11)
1_14 Lower Thirds 7 Follow Me Effect (7:33)
2. Audio
2_1.Audio (11:08)
2_2.Audio exercise (6:46)
2_3.Transition (9:07)
2_4.City presentation project part 1 (16:24)
2_5.City presentation project part 2 (13:40)
3. Palceholder for Architecture
3_1. Placeholder for Architectures Intro (14:29)
3_2. Placeholder for Architectures Scene1 (13:24)
3_3. Placeholder for Architectures Text and transition (12:36)
3_4. Placeholder for Architectures outro (6:36)
4. Placeholder for Cooking
4_0.Placeholder cooking Intro (1:00)
4_1.Placeholder cooking First Scene (11:38)
4_2.Placeholder title text (8:19)
4_3.Placeholder Scenes and outro (10:44)
5. Camera Tracking
5_0.Into to Camera Tracking (1:28)
5_1.Camera Tracking (7:27)
5_2.Callouts (14:28)
5_3.3D Camera (19:15)
5_4.Camera Tracking (7:41)
5_5.Road tracking (9:56)
5_6. Mocha (6:51)
1_7.Keyboard shortcuts
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