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Lumion Course
1. Trailer Lumion
Trailer (2:13)
2. Why Lumion
Why Lumion part1 (3:18)
Why Lumion part2 (8:08)
Why Lumion part3 (2:51)
3.3D space movement
3D space movement (1:13)
4. Weather
Weather (1:50)
5. Landscape
Height (2:34)
Water (1:16)
Ocean (2:22)
Paint (3:01)
Grass (1:41)
6. Object
Object part1 (5:32)
Object part2 (6:18)
New Lecture (4:26)
Material options (3:43)
Material Mapping (4:21)
8. Rendering
Rendering Effect (4:14)
Rendering process (5:19)
9. Animation
Animation (2:18)
Drop part2 (4:03)
Drop part1 (2:04)
Move (2:40)
AnimationEffect (6:04)
Special options (2:13)
10. Practise
Villa part1 (5:27)
Villa part2 (7:50)
Villa part3 (0:49)
Villa part4 (6:59)
Villa part5 (11:27)
Villa part6 (5:46)
Villa part7 (1:03)
11. Lumion 9
Intro Lumion 9 (0:38)
What is new in lumion 9 (30:50)
Lumion LiveSync for Revit (11:06)
12.Lumion 9.5
What is new in Lumion 9.5 (5:51)
Lumion 9.5 Scene Exterior (7:20)
Lumion 9.5 Scene Interior (6:08)
Lumion 9.5 Scena Exterior2 (6:54)
13.Lumion 9.5 Viewer
Lumion 9.5 Viewer (5:41)
14. Lumion 10
Trailer Lumion 10 (1:15)
New_Interface (6:34)
Render_Preview (2:13)
New_object_library (5:37)
New_Material_Library (7:55)
Landscape_cutter (3:24)
Real_skies_aurora (2:30)
New_Render_Style (1:52)
Ease_in_out_dwg (2:41)
Photo_Matching (12:24)
Exercise (14:46)
15. 3D Matchind Added: 03/01/2020
3D matching Exercise (14:43)
16. Lumion 10.3
Intor to Lumion 10.3 (1:11)
Bump, Normal, Displacement Map (13:20)
Lumion10.3 What is New (3:01)
How to create Displacement Map (3:46)
Thank You, Here's What's NEXT!
What's NEXT! (0:37)
Lumion 10.5
Trailer (1:23)
Lumion 11.5 Pamunda Zanzibar
1.Intro (0:55)
2.Sketchup Model (4:19)
3.Lumion import (2:30)
4.Lumion elements (8:08)
5.Adding Animation (17:19)
6.Pamunda Zanzibar (12:27)
7.Pamunda Zanzibar Effects (4:37)
8 .Pamunda Zanzibar-Postproduction (3:07)
Object part2
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