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Vray Realistic Render
Trailer (2:46)
Vray instalation (3:21)
Interface (5:10)
Relink maps (2:51)
Introduction to Vray (5:18)
Files for Courses
Light Plane (20:37)
Skylight portal (4:34)
Meshlight (3:02)
Dome light (23:17)
Sun and Sky (13:05)
IES (5:44)
Ambient (3:51)
3.Global Ilumination
Introduction to Global Illumination (10:14)
GI Brute Force (8:38)
Introduction to irradiance map (12:25)
Irradiane map render quality (9:52)
Irradiance map other settings (11:06)
Light cache (11:28)
Global illumination settings (5:17)
Compare Render Engines (8:54)
Caustics (7:01)
4.V-RAY tab
Image Sampler (16:36)
Global DMC (4:00)
Render Mask (2:56)
Color Mapping (9:34)
Frame Buffer (12:19)
Global Switches (7:35)
Environment (5:09)
Camera Physical Standard (18:10)
Camera Exposure Control (9:24)
Camera Vray Physical Camera (5:14)
Depth of Field (6:03)
Camera types (6:21)
Bloom and Glare (4:45)
6. Common Settings
Commo Settings (12:25)
GPU Rendering (7:23)
Vray Proxy (7:06)
Vray Fur (7:57)
Vray Clipper (4:08)
IPR Render (4:02)
Render Elements (10:13)
Diffuse (8:34)
Reflection (7:26)
Refraction (3:38)
Translucency (5:48)
Self Illumination (1:41)
BRDF (5:29)
Advanced material (11:06)
Light Material (5:16)
8.Atmospheric Efffects
Vray Geometry (10:48)
Vray Environment Fog (4:08)
Vray Aerial Perspective (5:34)
Vray Toon (5:11)
Vray Sphere Fade (2:35)
Vray Volume Grid (4:53)
9.Adanced Materials
Hair material (13:06)
Subsurface_Scattering (13:47)
Vray Hair (15:18)
Carpaint material (22:03)
Wrapper material (16:31)
10.Project Render
Project Interior (10:49)
Project Exterior (16:11)
Project Studio (28:52)
11.Popular Material
How to create Glass in Vray (9:20)
How to add color to the Glass (5:34)
How to add frost and shape to the Glass (5:57)
Example with the Glass (4:52)
Wood Material (29:22)
Wood Diffuse Map (5:32)
Wood Reflection and Glossiness (6:52)
Wood Bump and Displacement (9:13)
Wood add color corrections and (8:16)
Advanced material
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